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Name: Dr. Mary Hilaire Tavenner
Date: 03/11/2007
Message: So great to find people who support the writers! I am the vice-president of the International Writers Association and live in Lorain, OH. I have written and published 6 books (7 including my dissertation!) Please visit my website! MEMORIES OF MOM, THEY CALLED HER DUTCH; PERU 2002; FRANCE, 1996; A PORTRAIT OF HELEN STEINER RICE AND NUN OF THIS AND NUN OF THAT, BOOK ONE AND THE SEQUEL, BOOK TWO!

Name: Stephanie Comer
Date: 03/07/2007
Message: I am so anxious to visit your store. I stopped in only one time for a brief moment but my children hindered my time to look around.It's refreshing to find a book store that I can trade. My family and I did that when I was a child and I would very much like to carry on the tradition.

Name: Linda
Date: 01/30/2007
Message: I love your store.

Name: Lise Fuller, Author
Date: 01/14/2007
Message: Thanks for the opportunities! Lise How much danger would you face for the perfect romance? Lise Fuller,, Pikes Peak Romance Writers 2006 Author of the Year ~ "Intimate Deceptions", to be released 11/30/06, Cerridwen Press, ~ "On Danger's Edge", 12/8/ 05, Cerridwen Press, -- 4 1/2 STARS FROM RT! ~ "Cutting Loose", 2/9/06, Cerridwen Press,

Name: Katie Sue
Date: 06/17/2006
Message: I love your place so much. I could just spend hours there looking at the wide selection.

Name: Laura Mesing
Date: 05/16/2006
Message: I love Around About Books! Nice web page! I have to be honest-I haven't really seen it before! Very lovely :o)

Name: mary ann
Date: 04/05/2006
Message: will be back soon, enjoyed the store. what a great variety and just a nice atmosphere....

Name: Randy Crouse
Date: 03/20/2006
Message: So glad you had a successful weekend with the Bookstore. Your website looks great!! ...Dad

Name: Kris Mitchem
Date: 03/09/2006
Message: Love the site!

Name: Don Holmes
Date: 03/08/2006
Message: What a delightful site. Hope to attend your afternoon sessions on Saturday, March 11, 2006. Cathy Essinger of Edison Writer's Club gave me your Webpage address. Love that worm...we both use eye wear.

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"A used book store with a whole lot more!"

Around About Books
8 West Main Street
Troy, Ohio 45373
Hours: 10am 'til 5pm Monday through Thursday, 10am 'til 6pm Friday & Saturday

Phone: (937) 339-1707


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